Bio-Seal 199
BIO-SEAL™ 199 is based on pure, chemical resistant liquid epoxy polymers and proprietary polyamine curing agents. It is formulated with no volatile solvents and is so tolerant of water that it may be applied to damp yet still function well as a reinforcing seal coating. Applications may be made using brush or roller with no especial ventilation requirements -odor during application is almost completely absent. Airless spraying using standard single component equipment is easily accomplished at a fluid temperature of 70°F.
The standard “00000” version may be shipped “Non-Regulated” by air or surface. This material is ideal for most applications, but it will yellow on exposure to UV light. A UV-resistant version is available that uses the same epoxy base with curing agent BS 199-11111B, and this material ships UN1760, “Corrosive Liquid N.O.S.” PG III.
Used to seal and protect concrete, brick and similar surfaces against chemical attack, and penetration by water leading to chloride and freeze-thaw damage.
When applied to bare sheetrock surfaces will penetrate the entire fiber surface into the gypsum and will cure to a hard, tough and damage resistant layer. Especially suitable for applications where frequent contact with gurneys, trolleys and similar equipment is anticipated.
Vehicle Type: Epoxy/Polyamines
Pigmentation: Inert
Solids by Volume: 100%
Flash Point:Over 212°F
VOC:Essentially Zero
Gloss:Matte when fully absorbed, unabsorbed is full gloss
Color:Standard Haze Gray or Tan
Methods:Brush, roller or spray
Rec. Dry Film Thickness:5 mils, (127 microns)
Rec. Wet Film Thickness:5 mils, (127 microns)
Coverage, (theor.):320 sq.ft./gallon @ 5 mils thickness
Induction Time:Not Required – may be used immediately after mixing
Pot Life:Approx. 45’ @ 77°F, (25°C)
Dry Time – Dust Free :8 hours @ 77°F, (25°C)
Dry Time – Service: 24 hours handling, 36 hours light service @77°F, (25°C)
Shelf Life: 12 months under normal storage conditions
USDOT, IATA,& IMO “Non-Regulated”– (00000 version)
UN1760, HAZ CLASS 8, PG III – (11111 version)
Bare Concrete: surfaces should be allowed to cure for a minimum of 20 days before coating. Excessive weak surfacelaitance must be removed by either acid etching or, preferably, abrasive sweeping before coating. Aged, uncoatedconcrete surfaces are best prepared by abrasive sweeping. Unless carried out properly acid etching can giveunpredictable results due to inadequate etching or inadequate rinsing, for this reason abrasive blasting is the preferredmethod of preparation. Contamination by oil or grease should be removed with an industrial degreaser before eitherabrasive blasting or acid etching.
High pressure water-jetting using minimum 3,500 psi held close-in is ideal for architectural concrete surfaces. Allow todry before application of BIO-SEAL™ 199in order to permit absorption into the concrete surface.
BIO-SEAL™ 199 is supplied in 2 gallon kits of comprising epoxy base in a part filled 2gallon plastic pail with curing agent packed in a part filled one gallon steel can. A “Jiffy” type mixer with a high torquemotor is recommended for proper blending. Pour the curing agent into the base and mix for about 2 minutes taking careto stir in all base material from the edges and base of the plastic pail, unmixed material will never harden. No inductionor “sweat-in” time is required and the mixed material may be used immediately.
Pot life and reaction time is heavily dependent on temperature, as a general guide figure that each 18°F, (10°C),variation in temperature above or below 77°F, (25°C), will respectively halve or double the pot life and cure times.
Brush or roller application is straightforward and requires no special technique. Application on a flooris assisted by using a squeegee to distribute the BIO-SEAL™ 199 then backrolling to achieve an even coating. Thematerial will thicken in cold weather and will be noticeably heavier at temperatures of 50’F and below. If permissible touse solvent it will be found that 5 -10% of lacquer thinner or MEK will greatly reduce viscosity in cold weather allowingeasier application.
When used as a sealer, take care not to over apply the product, which will result in areas of unabsorbed, glossy surfacethat will be slippery when wet. Note: should this occur it is possible to apply a thin coat of BIO-SEAL™ 199 followedby a light broadcast of 24 -36 mesh abrasive such as aluminum oxide or sand backrolled into the wet coating, this willyield an attractive, slip resistant surface. BIO-SEAL™ 199 applied over bare sheetrock for sealing and reinforcementmay be over coated with latex paint as soon as absorption is complete as indicated by a complete loss of gloss over thesealed area.
When a glossy surface is desired over an absorbent substrate such as concrete or brick it will be necessary to apply atleast two coats of BIO-SEAL™ 199. The first coat will penetrate and seal. After this seal coat has cured for about sixhours minimum a “glaze coat” of BIO-SEAL™ 199 may be applied at about 5 mils thickness, (320 sq.ft. per gallon), toyield a tough, high gloss finish. A light broadcast of abrasive such as Aluminum Oxide or silica sand backrolled into thiscoat will provide enhanced slip resistance.
BIO-SEAL™ 199 will cure to a hard film within 36 hours and is suitable for traffic afterthis time. Allow at least three (3) days at 77°F before subjecting to aggressive chemical service from industrial solventsand similar materials.
SAFETY: This is a hazardous material if misused. Read and understand the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) before use.
WARRANTY DISCLAIMER: The technical data given herein has been compiled for your help and guidance and is based upon ourexperience and knowledge. However, as we have no control over the use to which this information is put, no warranty, express orimplied, is intended or given. We assume no responsibility whatsoever for coverage, performance or damages, including injuriesresulting from use of this information or of products recommended herein.